Though cool, yet February and March will be a hot and dreaded season for children (more for parents too) due to exam fear. Good learning, keeping everything in mind, recalling the things when there arises a need, perfection in doing things and seriousness in presentation will lead one always to the top. One should understand well that success is not easy to be got. You need to strain. The more we learn, the better we can perform without any fear or tension.
Many times parents make their children tense and nervous about exams. Of course, fear (within limits) is good, since it may draw more attention and care. But they should understand that for good, efficient learning and perfection in presentation, good parenting with encouragement, good teachers, good institution, are very essential. Here are some time-tested tips which will help the students and parents tackle examinations in a stress free mode.
Develop a timetable to monitor your progress. Make sure you allocate adequate time for fun and relaxation as well.
While revising a subject, practice writing. This would be an actual simulation of the examination itself. Vary subjects and their difficulty so you don't get bored or disheartened.
To prevent mental fatigue, take a short break as soon as you notice your mind is losing concentration. Stick to activities that do not break your study continuum during these breaks. Avoid television and loud music. You will then be able to come back to your revision refreshed.
A regular seven hours of sleep is mandatory for the body to function well. Try and stop working an hour before bedtime. You will find it helpful to do some muscular relaxation.
Food rich in vitamins and proteins, such as green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits, are a must.
The nutrients will help your brain stay sharp. Avoid food with high fat content. Don't drink too much coffee, tea or fizzy drinks.
Keep all unimportant issues at bay. Right now, the board/annual examinations should be your only focus. Stay away from distractions that could cause loss of concentration or unwanted anxiety.
Practice deep breathing, meditation and yoga as forms of relaxation. They help your body to relax and reduce stress. Alternately, take a brisk walk in fresh air after your day's revision is over.
Pray to God before you start studying. Prayer will help you increase confidence and reduce your stress as well.